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This Cat Is Pretty Ugly... Seriously


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This Cat Is Pretty Ugly... Seriously Empty This Cat Is Pretty Ugly... Seriously

Message par Schattenjäger Jeu 5 Mar - 11:58

His chest sports some gnarly locks, but the rest of his skin is bald and rubbery -- with a rat-like tail and a wrinkly face.

So no one should be surprised that the dominant query from visitors to the Exeter Animal Hospital in Stratham is "What the heck is that thing?"

"Ugly," says client Patti Corbin as she stands at the front desk, timidly reaching out a hand to scratch what she is describing.

"He's wearing his Halloween costume everyday," says veterinary assistant Christie Hartnett.

They are talking about an 8-year-old cat named Ugly Bat Boy -- Uggs for short -- a loveable, genetic mystery that would fit quite nicely into the Star Wars bar scene.

"He's my cat. I like him!" insists veterinarian Stephen Bassett.

"He's escaped before and kind of frightened some neighbors," the vet confesses. "Because he was running through the yard and they didn't know what he was."

Believe it or not, Ugly Bat Boy had a sister that looked just like him, but she died as a kitten, despite Bassett's extraordinary efforts to save her.

Appreciative of that, the owner gave Bassett Uggs.

The cat's favorite domain is atop the warm computers around the office -- where he routinely gets in the way -- and where a visitor recently snapped a photo and emailed it to friends. That sparked a media juggernaut which now has a national TV show trying to book a guest appearance.

"The ugly train has left the station and it's gathering steam," laughs Bassett. "Hopefully it will slow down soon."

Bassett says he is not sure yet if he wants to take Uggs on the Ellen Degeneres show.

Uggs' unique look catches so many eyes that staffers have posted flyers in the waiting room to head-off repeated questions.

It hasn't worked.

"I really wasn't at all sure what it was at first," says client Jane Winde. "But he is different -- very different," she adds, trying to be diplomatic.

The office has several other feline residents, but Uggs' Jurassic look and sweet demeanor always steal the thunder.

"I love that cat. I would take it home but Dr. Bassett won't let me," says staffer Hartnett, before adding, "He might scare my dogs, though."

Stephen Bassett says he doesn't take offense when people call Uggs ugly, and neither does the cat.

He good naturedly plays along with all the chatter, but it's pretty obvious how he feels.

"There are people who say he's ugly. But it's all in the eyes of the beholder." says the vet. "He looks pretty nice to me."

By this time, Uggs has retreated to a computer top where he has begun to groom himself.

That job might be a little bit more than any tongue can handle.
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La date/heure actuelle est Lun 20 Mai - 5:31