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Ufologie & Paranormal


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Ufologie & Paranormal

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Derniers sujets

» Une météorite au Portugal ?
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Hier à 18:27 par Satanas

» TIKTOK et la Vallée de l'Étrange
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Sam 18 Mai - 21:51 par Schattenjäger

» La France en 2024
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Jeu 16 Mai - 7:00 par Mulder26

MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Mer 15 Mai - 9:22 par Schattenjäger

MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Mer 15 Mai - 9:08 par Schattenjäger

» Ils voient des ovnis partout (courrier international)
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Dim 12 Mai - 12:09 par Mulder26

» L’Enlèvement de Yoshihiro Fujiwara: Un Voyage Extraordinaire ou une Illusion Nocturne?
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Sam 11 Mai - 15:11 par Achim

» Une force inconnue perturberait notre Système solaire, causée par... la Planète Neuf ?
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Dim 5 Mai - 11:12 par Schattenjäger

» Les "X-Files" secrets au FBI
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Sam 4 Mai - 14:06 par Schattenjäger

MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Sam 4 Mai - 13:56 par Schattenjäger

» Nuages ​​​​de glace stratosphériques polaires
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Sam 4 Mai - 10:45 par Schattenjäger

» Naachtun - La cité maya oubliée | ARTE
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Mai - 22:46 par Schattenjäger

» L'énigme archéologique autour des dodécaèdres romains est-elle sur le point d'être résolue ?
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Mai - 16:33 par anoy

» Il y aurait bien une planète géante à découvrir aux confins du Système solaire
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Mai - 9:36 par Schattenjäger

» Et si la vie était pourpre sur d'autres planètes ?
MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Mai - 9:32 par Schattenjäger

2 participants
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MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed.


Nombre de messages : 7174

MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Empty MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed.

Message par Macha Ven 4 Déc - 17:36

MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’

The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed.


Au bout de 60 ans, dur ! Question : Que va-t-il arriver aux archives accumulées depuis tout ce temps ?

Nombre de messages : 43770

MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Empty Re: MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed.

Message par Schattenjäger Ven 4 Déc - 17:40

Archives détruite, comme toujours en ufologie, se qui relancera pour une 100eme fois le débats sur la conservation des données ufologique, surtout les PAN D...

Nombre de messages : 7174

MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed. Empty Re: MoD department that investigated UFO sightings ‘closed’ The Ministry of Defence department that investigated UFOs sightings has been closed after almost 60 years, it has been disclosed.

Message par Macha Ven 4 Déc - 20:20

Apparemment, non, les archives ne seront pas détruites. Le porte-parole a dit que la procédure d'extraction des fichiers des Archives nationales qui concerne les affaires d'OVNIS du MoD continueront. Donc je pense que toutes personnes qui s'y intéressent pourra accéder aux archives.
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La date/heure actuelle est Lun 20 Mai - 8:25