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Górzno UFO incident (2002)


Nombre de messages : 6

Górzno UFO incident (2002) Empty Górzno UFO incident (2002)

Message par yan_volskee Lun 15 Fév - 20:27

Górzno UFO incident (2002) Ufon1

Here is the summary of Górzno UFO incident that took place in 2002 in Northern Poland. The full version translated via Google can be found below.

The case took place in 2002 but the report came in 2009. The witness who claims that he is a proffesor of psychics contacted Polish ufologist A.Miazga and passed him informationa about an event that took place on 23rd October 2002 in Górzno (Kujawsko - Pomorskie). The witness was driving through the town and in the vicinity of local cementery he saw an unusual object that resembled him "a NASA thing" that he saw in the Internet. The witness went out of his car and noticed that the object was white and rotating around his axis. When the man began retreating toward his car the spherical UFO followed him and soon he was encircled by light. He could hear strange noise coming as if from the center of the object. He also couldn't start his car engine. Soon he heard another car coming in the direction of the UFO but the object went up and disappeared beyond nearby trees.

The witness claimed that the UFO was also surrounded by some kind of mist. Also the light emitted by it gave him a impression of hotness. Also "the Oz factor" was noticed (the background sound ceased when the object appeared). The man was shocked and had problems with sleeping. Then he even turned to psychiatrist trying to figure out what he actually had seen.

The next one aspect is connected by the UFO psychical traces. The alleged professor then returned to Górzno trying to find out if any other people had seen the object. He only found out that the "lights" were seen. The man that could also be the potential witness (and who was nearing the place of observation when the UFO disappeared) remains unidentified. Anyway, the proffesor claims that he was able to find slightly burned twings of trees around which the UFO was observed. According to his relation the twigs were hit by the object beams. The main problem is that the witness revealed the history 7 years after it took place and the psychical traces aren't available now.

To sum up, the story seems to be interesting but its strong potential was somewhat lessened by the witness hesitation in reporting it to ufologist. We also can get an impression that it is too good to be true but according to A.Miazga the witness was reliable and honest.

French version
English version
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La date/heure actuelle est Jeu 21 Nov - 14:26