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[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Hier à 18:27 par Satanas

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[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Sam 18 Mai - 21:51 par Schattenjäger

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[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Mer 15 Mai - 9:22 par Schattenjäger

[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Mer 15 Mai - 9:08 par Schattenjäger

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[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Sam 4 Mai - 14:06 par Schattenjäger

[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Sam 4 Mai - 13:56 par Schattenjäger

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[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Mai - 22:46 par Schattenjäger

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[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Mai - 16:33 par anoy

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[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Icon_minitime1Ven 3 Mai - 9:36 par Schattenjäger

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[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim, by Former MOD Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous Hoax to Promote New Games Product.

Modérateur en Herbe
Modérateur en Herbe

Nombre de messages : 3165

[OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim,  by Former MOD  Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous  Hoax to Promote New Games Product. Empty [OLYMPIC/NICK POPE] UFOs During Olympics Claim, by Former MOD Official Nick Pope is Exposed as Outragous Hoax to Promote New Games Product.

Message par TrustNo1 Mar 14 Aoû - 15:12

Bonjour ;

Au début des jeux olympique Nick Pope ancien du DOD britannique avait lancé comme article sur la liste ufoupdate de surveiller le ciel durant ces jeux ; le résultat est que Nick Pope c'est un peu décrédibilisé auprès de la communauté ufologique (tout cela dans le but de promouvoir un jeu vidéo)

Nick pope c'est excusé auprès de la communauté suite à cette affaire
relayé par ufoupdate

Source:Colin Andrews

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