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Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet


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Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet Empty Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet

Message par Apollyôn Mer 24 Oct - 21:06

A STUNNED couple yesterday told how they captured a spooky green man on camera at their home.

Gary and Amanda Linney said the strange figure was spotted running away from their cottage as they
experimented with a new camera.

The bizarre snaps emerged just days after another family claimed to have filmed a UFO floating above their house about 25 miles away.

Former policeman Gary, 52, said there was no explanation for the figure.

He said: “It looks like a little green man running. It just disperses into the surface of the road.

“If you look closely, you can see a head. It’s very surreal. I was a policeman and a pilot for 20 years and have never seen anything like this before.”

Hotel owners Gary and Amanda, 46, from Collieston, Aberdeenshire, tried to recreate the picture but have never seen the strange light since.

But they said they weren’t spooked by the images after experiencing a string of paranormal happenings at the Slains Estate house.

Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet Little+green+man+photo+by+Amanda+Linney

Dad-of-three Gary said: “This wasn’t a reflection. We live in two old cottages and my children have seen orbs floating around and heard footsteps. It’s usually around the staircase.”

Amanda, 45, said staff at their hotel – which is also thought to be haunted – suggested the ghostly figure may have come from there.

She said: “I have no idea what it was. We have used the same setting, taken photos in the same location and in different locations and nothing has appeared again.

“We have experienced a lot of strange things since we took over the place two years ago so the staff think something spooky had followed me home that night.”

Last week, Morag Ritchie, of Fraserburgh, told how she was woken in the night by flashing lights outside her house.

The 50-year-old claimed several members of her family saw a UFO. Her daughter Cara’s fiance, Scott Bower filmed footage on his phone.

A Ministry of Defence spokeswoman could not explain the sighting and Grampian Police said there had been no reports of lights in the sky.

Scottish paranormal investigator Malcolm Robinson is now reviewing the footage.

He said: “That area has one of the highest concentration of UFO reports in the UK, particularly the Aberdeenshire town of Muchalls.”
source : http://www.dailyrecord.co.uk/news/scottish-news/mystery-as-scots-couple-capture-spooky-1393284
Modérateur en Herbe
Modérateur en Herbe

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Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet Empty Re: Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet

Message par TrustNo1 Jeu 25 Oct - 11:12

humm bizarre cette image ; farfadet ? un défaut sur l'objectif
un defocus de l'appareil peut-être ?...; avaient-il bus ? je pose cette question car en écosse ils ont du bon sky ; bref curieux témoignage

Nombre de messages : 1952

Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet Empty Re: Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet

Message par OLOVNI Jeu 25 Oct - 13:42

Il y a le témoignage du policier en plus , quand même
Modérateur en Herbe
Modérateur en Herbe

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Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet Empty Re: Un couple d'écossais prétend avoir photographié un farfadet

Message par TrustNo1 Jeu 25 Oct - 15:34

OLOVNI a écrit:Il y a le témoignage du policier en plus , quand même

A cause de cela ; je pense que les gens sont de bonnes fois maintenant il faudrait savoir si le phénomène se répète pour être sur de leur crédibilité.

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La date/heure actuelle est Lun 20 Mai - 7:51