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Objet inconnu en Floride


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Objet inconnu en Floride Empty Objet inconnu en Floride

Message par Schattenjäger Lun 8 Déc - 13:51

Unknown Object Photographed over Florida
Florida-08-06-08-I'm a security officer. I patrol a plaza with various stores. On the time and date as stated, this is what I saw. It was around 11:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.
During one of my patrols, I happened to see a bright light in the sky towards the west of my location. I didn't think anything of it at the time. I went on continuing to patrol the area. I positioned myself in a different spot about every 15 to 20 min. and scout the area of the plaza.
After positioning myself in a different spot, I happened to notice that the bright light was still in the sky in the same location, the time that had past from the first sight, in the 15 to 20 min. range.
This continued until I decided to take a picture of it. At this point, it's not a big deal because I'm thinking it's just a star. I mean, it wasn't moving. About 30 min. to an hour later, it was gone. At 3 pm, on my lunch break, I reviewed the photo and started enlarging the photo and everytime the photo got bigger the detail of a star was not there.
The light object started to turn in the shape of a hovering disk. I then noticed small black objects around the bright light object. I then called some friends to tell them I caught something in a photo, and sent it to them. They told me to contact MUFON. Thank you for your time, and please get back to me as to I would like to know what it is.
MUFON Submitter 14045

Objet inconnu en Floride Florida080608

permanent link: http://www.ufocasebook.com/2008c/florida080608.html
source and references:
MUFON Submitter 14045
sergent garcia
sergent garcia

Nombre de messages : 3658

Objet inconnu en Floride Empty Re: Objet inconnu en Floride

Message par sergent garcia Lun 8 Déc - 14:47

s'il n'y a pas trucage..c'est une belle photo d'ovni, de jour ! bounce
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La date/heure actuelle est Ven 15 Nov - 17:43