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 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Icon_minitime1Ven 6 Sep - 19:16 par Schattenjäger

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[USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased

Modérateur en Herbe
Modérateur en Herbe

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 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Empty [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased

Message par TrustNo1 Jeu 18 Oct - 18:28



Il aura fallu un temps fou pour que ce projet soit enfin déclassifié c'est chose faite.Les documents relatifs au projet 1794 (ou la naissance de l'avrocar et d'un projet mené par l'us air force) les dossiers ont été déclassifiés selon

 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Ps19741

 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Ps2by

 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Ps3ho


Officially, aliens have never existed but flying saucers very nearly did. The National Archives has recently published never-before-seen
schematics and details of a 1950s military venture, called Project
1794, which aimed to build a supersonic flying saucer.

The newly declassified materials show the U.S. Air Force had a
contract with a now-defunct Canadian company to build an aircraft unlike
anything seen before. Project 1794 got as far as the initial rounds of
product development and into prototype design. In a memo dating from 1956 the results from pre-prototype testing are summarized and reveal exactly what the developers had hoped to create.

The saucer was supposed to reach a top speed of “between Mach 3 and
Mach 4, a ceiling of over 100,000 ft. and a maximum range with
allowances of about 1,000 nautical miles,” according to the document.

If the plans had followed through to completion they would have
created a saucer, which could spin through the Earth’s stratosphere at
an average top speed of about 2,600 miles per hour. Wow. It was also
designed to take off and land vertically (VTOL), using propulsion jets
to control and stabilize the aircraft. Admittedly the range of 1,000
nautical miles seems limited in comparison to the other specifications –
but if you’d hopped on the disk in New York it could’ve had you in
Miami within about 24 minutes.

The document also hints that the product development seemed to be
going better than planned; “the present design will provide a much
superior performance to that estimated at the start of contract

It begs the question – why was the project dropped? Why aren’t wars
being fought with flying saucers? The cost of continuing to prototype
was estimated at $3,168,000, which roughly translates to about $26.6 million in today’s money
and wouldn’t have been an insane price for such advanced technology.
The problem with the other flying saucers developed under the same
program (see video) is pretty clear. They didn’t get anywhere near
100,000 feet in altitude, more like five or six if you were lucky – so
the military finally pulled the plug in 1960.
sergent garcia
sergent garcia

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 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Empty Re: [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased

Message par sergent garcia Jeu 18 Oct - 18:32

Trust, le sujet a déjà été posté, il y a quelques jours... Cherches bien.  [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased 879775
Modérateur en Herbe
Modérateur en Herbe

Nombre de messages : 3165

 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Empty Re: [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased

Message par TrustNo1 Jeu 18 Oct - 18:42

Je n'ai pas fais gaffe dsl Smile

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 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Empty Re: [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased

Message par FLAM Jeu 18 Oct - 19:05

Oui, cherche bien, il fait un bruit de ventilateur...  [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Humour69

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 [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased Empty Re: [USA/DICLOSURE] Project Saucer 1794 Realeased

Message par Apollyôn Jeu 18 Oct - 19:26

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