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A Review of the Ovilus Spirit Communication Device


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A Review of the Ovilus Spirit Communication Device Empty A Review of the Ovilus Spirit Communication Device

Message par Schattenjäger Lun 1 Déc - 12:13

“I Hear Dead People” - A Review of the Ovilus Spirit Communication Device

A Review of the Ovilus Spirit Communication Device Ovilus_Matt_hendrix
Matt Hendrix, sensitive investigator of Paranormal Task Force, Inc.

By Gregory Myers of the Paranormal Task Force

When I had first heard of the Ovilus device and what it purported to do, I could not help but laugh out of complete skepticism. I have always doubted claims that such paranormal communication devices actually work. At best, I thought them to be products of wishful thinking and at worst, pure hokum. When I was finally able to test out the Ovilus, I was stunned at how well it worked and performed in the field.

The Ovilus is one of many paranormal field experimental devices created by Bill Chappell, a retired electronics engineer and the founder of the digitaldowsing.com website. He states the device works by measuring changes in the “environmental” energy fields around it. It modulates the energy changes into audible speech using a synthesizer chip, an extensive English word dictionary, and a function that phonetically sounds out words. Mr. Chappell calls this process ECM or “Environmental Communications Mode” and states his devices do not employ any arbitrary techniques to produce results such as random generation, sweep functioning, or programmed algorithms.

A Review of the Ovilus Spirit Communication Device Ovilus_Sandy_oates

The Ovilus is a small, lightweight device that is portable enough to be taken anywhere during an investigation. It is powered by a 9-volt battery and has two audio-out jacks so headphones, external speakers, or audio recorders can be used simultaneously with the device. The Ovilus also features a bright array of LED lights to graphically display various readings, a feature useful for low light use.

The device has seven modes of operation. It includes a dictionary mode containing 512 stored words, phonetic mode (sounds out words by syllable), a combination mode (both dictionary words and phonetics) and a “yes” or “no” mode. It also features an electromagnetic field (EMF) mode that verbally outputs EMF levels in milligauss, a level mode that only graphically displays EMF levels, and a dowsing mode that simulates virtual dowsing rods.

Ovilus Recordings
Listen Here Now!

The You Itch and Cigarette ones were recorded by an investigator from MSPI (Missouri State Paranormal Investigators) by the name of Nicholas Eyman the rest are by Gregory Meyers.

"Ovilus You Itch" - captured this month at a private location. The client's daughter, Sandy of PTF and I walk into a room and the Ovilus says something that sounds like "You" then "Bitch". Sandy then ask, "Did that just call me a bad name?" The Ovilus answers "Yes", but we are talking at the time an closer to the recorder so the listener can not hear that last word.

"Ovilus get cigarette" - captured at same private location. I am on the basement stairs and talking about going outside to smoke a cigarette. The Ovilus sounds like it says "Don't get cigarette" using phonics to put it together.

"Caledonia Ovilus Sorry" - from the Caledonia Wine Cottage in Caledonia, MO. Ovilus says "Sorry" then I amplified an EVP shortly after that sound likes "I'm Sorry".

"Caledonia shot stomach" - an interesting combination of words from the Ovilus at a location (Caledonia Wine Cottage) that once was ussed as a Civil War Hospital and Quarantine Area.

"Caledonia Ovilus Jones EVP" - another interesting one at the Wine Cottage with the Ovilus saying "Erica" followed by the Ovilus saying "Jones". Still researching that name (Erica Jones) to see if attached to the history of the Cottage. Also, the EVP was first, we did not talk about an Erica prior to that and we did not hear that EVP live, but shortly after the Wine Cottage owner starts telling us about an incident with the name Erica involved. After this there is another EVP that says "ghost". Possibly a spirit trying to tell us Erica is a ghost? I amplified both EVP parts in this some for the listener.

"Caledonia Bagpipes" - another interesting one from the Wine Cottage. Caledonia was founded by Scotsmen and when asking questions related to that the Ovilus says a word sounding like "Bagpipes" which is not in its programed dictionary.

I assume at this point, the reader is still fairly skeptical about the effectiveness of such a device. I was initially doubtful too. However, after working on an investigation with Keith Age of the Louisville Ghost Hunters Society (LGHS) who had brought an Ovilus along with him, my skepticism began to wane. I must admit, it took some time to adapt to the device’s primitive “speak-n-spell” like voice and I found myself initially unimpressed. However, when it began repeating words relevant to the history and events specific to the location we were investigating, I was shocked! On another floor of the investigation area, it performed just as brilliantly stating unique location appropriate words.

After that experience, I began to warm up to the device and decided it might be a good fit for our team. We ordered the Ovilus through Bill’s website and gave it a trial run on our own investigations. We found the Ovilus very easy to use and it performed so well, we added it to our arsenal of critical research equipment used on every investigation.

From our use in the field, we have noted some tips and precautions with these devices. The Ovilus and other communication devices from Bill Chappell and Digital Dowsing may attract a range of paranormal activity attempting to communicate. As such, we have witnessed that the devices are capable of generating unexpected and sometimes disturbing speech or text. With this in mind, they should not be used around or by children, anyone suffering from mental illness or emotional trauma, or around those who are easily offended. One must definitely give careful consideration to the use this device around clients who may not want or need to know the information being imparted. Furthermore, it should be considered that paranormal realms are not always the safest and involvement can bring hidden psychological and physical dangers. I always recommend that those who attempt any type of spirit communication should first protect themselves with their own faith or spiritual beliefs.

Use of this device requires rationalism and common sense. With only 512 dictionary words and 71 phonetic syllables programmed in the Ovilus, some results from the device can be attributed to coincidence and the odds of it saying something contextually correct are statistically probable. A good investigator should always collect multiple sources of evidence in an investigation that, when combined, may determine if the output of the device is coincidental or not. Furthermore, researching the history and past events of the locations where the device is being used also aids in validation.

A Review of the Ovilus Spirit Communication Device Hearing_Real_ghosts
Sandra Oates and Bobbi Govro of Paranormal Task Force.

We feel the Ovilus is a “must have” device of value to any paranormal investigator desiring to gain an edge in researching the paranormal and it appears we may not alone in our assessment. Having been featured in several prominent magazines, radio shows and movies, Bill Chappell’s devices are gaining the attention of the entire paranormal community.

We have certainly been converted by Mr. Chappell’s visionary inventions. As we gain more experience with the device, we plan on writing a more in-depth review of results we get in the field. If interested in learning about the Ovilus and his other devices, visit Bill’s website at http://www.digitaldowsing.com.

The Ovilus

A Review of the Ovilus Spirit Communication Device The_Ovilus
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La date/heure actuelle est Lun 20 Mai - 5:31